juno | 21+ | brazil

hi! i mostly stay on my priv to talk with my friends, sometimes i post art on @juno_wani and i don't participate in fandom but i do like a lot of stuff! i'm currently into:vocaloid┊prsk┊genshin┊enstars┊d4dj
reverse: 1999┊hsr┊my ocs┊idv┊horror
my fav characters are:kaito┊miku┊gakupo┊25ji┊mmj┊wxs
medicine pocket┊dikke┊centurion
i ship a lot of stuff so it's hard to write down my faves (besides obviously gakukai), but for your own comfort please block me if you dislike dottoscara, chiscara, kaimiku, arlefuri, kafxuan, neosophi, yidhrafio as i may post them somewhat frequently!

before you follow:

it's already stated above but just to reiterate, i ship dottoscara and arlefuri, if you hate these ships (or anything i post really) i don't mind being blocked at all! i also block very freely & without much reason. i'm also very busy & very shy so sorry if i don't interact much!

do not interact:

if you're a minor (idm being followed but i would rather interact with people around my age!!)• if you engage in ship discourse of any kind• if you really hate my faves etc etc...idk i feel like dnis don't work lol